
With our extensive experience, knowledge and skills of our consultants, we will promptly and accurately resolve client problems and make decision-making support.
Our service is divided into the following services.

Consulting Services

Incidental Services

Cost Optimization

It is a field that we are most proud of and we analyze the current operations and organizations such as business volume measurement, business analysis, span of control analysis, task difficulty analysis, etc. from various angles to derive a cost reduction plan.
We also verify specific processes with Wing to Wing and categorize the appropriate processes, useless processes, and deletable processes. There is always a process improvement opportunity for the processes that I thought was natural until now due to changes in business form and technological innovation etc.
First, we visualize [As is] processes and create [To be] processes after measurement and analysis.

Sample template for workload measurement (Reference material)

Implementation schedule(Sample Case)

Tasks Term Actions
Workload Measurement 2 weeks Measure workloads using the survey forms
Workload Analysis 1 week Aggregate the survey forms and analyze workloads
Work Redefinition 1 week Redefine work based on the workloads analysis
Execution of new work plan 2 – 3 months Create and execute a new work plan

Process Improvement

Process improvement is one of cost optimization, but it also has an effect on growth.
Increase sales revenue and improve profit margins by improving order processing speed, shortening delivery days, shrinking inventory, etc. by differentiating competitors and reinforcing competitiveness.
All operations can be expressed as a process, and by “making it visible”, you can find the work that has been covered by human effort without being noticed until now.
By improving such tasks and assigning resources to different tasks it becomes possible to establish more efficient work.

Implementation Schedule(Sample case)

Tasks Term Actions
Step 1 (Define) 1 week Comprehend the current process and create a process map
Step 2 (Measure) 1 week Measure performance in the current process
Step 3 (Analyze) 2 weeks Analyze the details of the current process
Step 4 (Improve) 2 months Implement the improvement plan excluding IT Development
Step 5 (Control) 1 week Creation of control system
Step 6 (Share)   Sharing the completed projects

Business Process Outsourcing(BPO)

We will transfer jobs to lower-cost offshore for the purpose of cost reduction, but is it really achieved the cost reduction?
Compared with only personnel expenses, office rents, etc., it is cheaper and it seems that cost reductions are coming up, but in reality, there are cases where it does not come up to cost.
For example, offshore support time and training time on Japan side are not reflected in cost and are difficult to see. We will also quantize parts that are hard to see as costs, compare costs, and calculate the payback period. Also, when transferring jobs, we will make process improvements and create an environment that makes offshore operations easier.

Implementation Schedule(Sample case)

Tasks Term Actions
Workload/Work analysis 3 weeks Measure current work volume, clarify work content
Work difficulty measurement 2 weeks Define difficulty level for each job
Job classification 1 week Identify jobs to be offshore
Process Map creation 1 week Show the job relationship with Onshore and Offshore
Job Transfer 3 months Implement the plan without system development

PMO Support

Under a wide range of projects, understanding task status and communication are important subjects.
By smoothly managing the situational grasp of tasks and communication, we will discover hidden problems at an early stage and achieve the goals of the project as planned.
Our consultants find potential problems with extensive experience and knowledge, conduct interviews with stakeholders, analyze the probability of occurrence of potential risks, the degree of influence, and responds in advance if necessary by risk to prevent the occurrence of.

System Development/System Development Support

With the appropriate development process based on ITIL, PMBOK framework, we will do system development without waste precisely.
Assigned experienced development engineers suitable for development projects, we will make close contact with customers and mutual understanding. Document needs such as grasping needs, requirements definition, design, test plan, test cases, etc. to prevent discrepancies in recognition with customers. Create FMEA to prevent serious accidents and failures.
In the actual development work, in order to make it easier for the user to imagine the initial requirements, we will create the image after development using FileMaker etc. tools.
At that stage, it is possible for the users to understand what kind of operability is what the user is thinking.
This work makes it possible to prevent gaps with requirement definitions in the middle of development and to eliminate rework.

SAP/Salesforce/AWS Installation Support

In order to install ERP package and improve management efficiency, it is essential to verify and standardize business processes.
We verify and standardize our business processes which are our strengths and support the installation of the system.
We support Salesforce installation processes from development to introduction.
Transferring from other tools to Salesforce, the user interface is different, at early stages it may be inconvenient for users, and users may continue to use old tools.
We support the necessary tasks from Salesforce design to installation and we will support users so that they can be used without confusion.
We consider and suggest which AWS service is most effective and how to use it.
Especially since the fee structure is based on the pay-per-use, we will simulate and propose the best way to use it.


We analyze the strengths and weaknesses of client companies and competitors and consider ways that are most effective for growth.
We verify points related to marketing activities such as product characteristics, service contents, prices, packages, sales methods, announcement methods, agency strategies, inquiries correspondence, name recognition, logistics, stock management, sales employee visit frequency, staying time, We promotes the company’s growth.
For example,
It is often said that “sales = visit frequency × staying time”, but we will standardize sales activities by comparing what the best sales guy is doing and what low performers are doing such as whether there are variations in sales frequency and efficiency, utilizing tools such as telephone, e-mail and chat.
In the Internet business, we will verify the problems such as increased number of access views but not leading to sales, increase repeaters, etc. We will support growth.

BCP Support

In creating business continuity plans, we conduct business impact analysis and identify the risks and impacts of our business processes. Based on the risk and degree of influence, we clarify the business that should be restored preferentially and the facilities and systems necessary for it, and create the target recovery time and recovery procedure. Periodic review of the business continuity plan is necessary as the environment changes.
There are many companies building DR sites on their own, but by using cloud services such as IaaS, it is possible to drastically reduce costs. In addition, the data center of the isolation structure is increasing, and it is possible to operate efficiently depending on the usage method.
Although we created business continuity plans, we review business continuity plans from various perspectives, such as insufficient ensuring of effectiveness and shortage of disaster scenarios.

Template Creation Services

We will provide necessary template by customizing it.

Template Services Price(JPY)
QFD Template 10,000
QFD Customized Template 100,000~
Workload Survey Template 20,000
Workload Survey Customized Template 100,000~
BCP complete set(See below) Customized Set 500,000~

* For customization, we will conduct hearings, describe necessary items, and explain how to use the templates.

Contents of BCP complete set

Templates & Manuals Objectives
Backup plan for paper based documents, books etc Define the necessary documents at the time of the disaster
Backup plan of important items (seal stamp etc) used in business Define the seal required for BCP site
Emergency business outsourcing contract If there is an emergency service consignment contract, the outline of the contract contents
External contact list at the time of disaster External contact for priority continuation work
Other measures at the time of building disaster Describe distinctive business
System dependence questionnaire Make sure each system
BCP site system access requirements Described when it is necessary to change the access right in the event of a disaster
System terminal Describe necessary system terminal requirements
Candidate facilities for BCP site Description about Rental Office, etc
Unused form backup requirement Requirement description of unused forms
Provisional work procedure for system failure Create business procedure manual at system down time
BCP Survey Sheets (9 types) Understand current situations

Quick Consulting Services

We will answer simple questions about project progress, offshore situation, cloud service status, database center etc. We will provide necessary information in 30 minutes by telephone or interview.
For example,

  • I don’t know whether the cost of the Data Center I use is high or cheap. So, what should I compare to the standard? How much is proper cost?
  • When I asked for the system development, it was more than number of people by estimate, but is it really necessary number of personnel?
  • We consider offshoring as candidates for China, India, Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, etc. Which country vendor is suitable for?
  • Although we are considering project for Process Improvement, the points which should be improved is not raised, even if it goes up, the impact is small.
  • We are considering using cloud services, but we are wondering what kind of cloud service is good, how to manage the login password of our company’s network and cloud services when we use it?
  • Although we created a Business Continuity Plan five years ago, new threats such as terrorism and computer viruses are emerging. But, we have not been able to cover them in the disaster scenario.
  • In daily business, new concerns always occur, but we will respond to necessary questions such as information and ideas that will help us make decisions regarding the concerned issues.

Translation Services

Translate presentation materials, manuals, IT related materials etc., according to the application.

Language Translation Fee
Japanese → English 25JPY~45JPY(per Japanese character)
English → Japanese 25JPY~35JPY(per English word)
Japanese →Russian 15JPY~20JPY(per Japanese character)
Russian → Japanese 18JPY~25JPY(per Russian word)